Friday, October 9, 2009

Community gardens visioning

Here are some ideas that came out of visioning session we did in September:

Elizabeth spoke to having to cob oven and/or a cob bench. She also spoke of involving cob education/workshops and having the opportunity to learn this and grow and share fruits and veggies.
Annie also elaborated on sharing food, and maintaining an open invite to the space, recognizing the potential for an ever evolving team and group of people. As well as the use of other educational tool to enhance the gardens
Naomi spoke of having the gardens as a permaculture demonstration site. Evolving the gardens into a sustainability model with rain catchment system, bio-regional food growing, and bicycle powered blenders for example. She also spoke of having varying workshops of how to store and preserve/dry foods and herbs on-site. She also elaborated on accessibility to people with varying disabilities: wheel chairs access, and access for blind people, etc.
Verna spoke of her interest in a more conventional plot allotment type garden, and what the policy would look like around those who were not Fairfield residents (as she herself was not entirely sure which neighbourhood she was in). She spoke of ideas for single plots and group plots. She also spoke enthusiastically of the hope for fruit trees.
Ken spoke of a type of alternative model that embellishes our need for further action towards food security in Victoria. The model would resemble a Food forest/Urban farm. This can be done in boulevards like a smaller CSA (community supported agriculture) in an urban setting, and supporting gardeners with financial retribution. Ideally transforming Fairfield into a food forest, or a more sustainable environment food wise, he embellished a new vision for Victoria’s green space, one that acknowledges the need for food security.
Chloe spoke of her desire to see a shared commons space and her excitement and desire to see the use of cob.
Nashira spoke of her interest in plot allotments, and her belief in the importance of community gardens in any neighbourhood. She spoke of wanting to see the community involvement and the importance of openness towards those interested rather then an exclusive lot only with those who have allotments. She also spoke of food collection as in her experience, often food can go un-eaten and a weekly food collection would be fruitful (literally). She elaborated on the importance of Compost and creating a solid policy around what can and can’t be composted on-site. She spoke of how important the educational component is for this garden, and that it involves youth of all ages. She also spoke of the importance of having community gatherings for the gardeners to enhance to relationships and build a group that works together.
Ideas that came out of the visioning were :
-The importance of educational component to the project : the gardens as a teaching tool ; involving youth and children
-Cob : workshops, and structures : oven, bench, tool shed
-Fruit trees
-Permaculture design, and demonstration sites
-accessibility for those with disabilities
-finding the best model for us : plot allotments, commons, communal gardens, single plots & group plots?
-The transformation of Victoria and Fairfield into a more food secure city.
-Collection days for food that is not getting picked and eaten
-Compost : a good inclusive policy around what’s what for compost needs.
-Having gatherings within the gardens to enhance the community

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